Friday, 1 March 2013

Book Reviews For Busy People

I love books, I read quite a few of them and like discussing them, I also like reading book reviews. I have looked around a few blogs looking for ideas of books to read and I am stunned at how many people post book reviews on their blogs. This is a good thing of course, intelligent people offering their opinions about books they have read to other intelligent people looking for reading inspiration.
However I found for the most part the books are categorised by genre (logical I admit but sometimes logic isn't what's required) and often the book reviews themselves are dauntingly long, almost a book in themselves! No doubt these are well considered and have taken a lot of time and effort to produce but all I have is one question - is this book worth the time spent reading it?

Most people living in our modern world are busy - families, work, commitments, clubs, hobbies etc all take a piece out of days and often large irretrievable chunks. I am not looking for an essay covering plot, tone, character development, themes and the like no matter how learned and passionate they are.

With this mind I decided to review and rate books in a different way although there are only a few on the list as yet I will add to it as time goes by. There are two reasons for the limited list - I have never kept a reading log so have only just started it and also I start a lot of books which, for various reasons I don't finish and I therefore cannot give an accurate opinion of them.

My book listings differ from the norm in two ways - I don't categorise them by genre but by the feelings they provoke in me. I will not write literary essays or include spoilers but the review will be independent, honest and sometimes highly personal opinions from an experienced reader.

The books I read are also unlikely to be new releases, I buy very few books and most of my reading material is picked up from my local library. I also don't pay for reserving the latest offerings - I am what you might call a frugal reader, some may call it something less fashionable. Therefore you will find oldies but goodies mixed in with some newer fare and the odd non fiction.

I will be posting book reviews haphazardly as the mood strikes me but in the meantime you can find my reading log listed in my own category system under the books tab.

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